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♥Follow your heart, you will find what you need.

The Blogger♥
Hello, Im any other girl ,you always see on the street. I'm a 20 years old May baby . I love and cherish everything I have in my life ♥

Pretty please♥
• Family's love
• My true friends will be with me forever :D
• He will be my last
• MONEY $$$ :D
• Pass my law degree


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Wednesday 3 June 2015
Moved to dayre . ☺️

Lil Princess
Signing Off @

Sunday 20 October 2013
Lovely day with my baby yesterday.  We went to Carl's jr for lunch before movie because I told him Carl's jr's beef burger taste nicer than Burgerlab's . Eventually Mid's branch dissapointed me. Burger's appearance is so ugly, it taste not as good as Pavillion's branch(with Jiayao and Waitheng ), french fries look n taste bad too, and the worst thing is flies everywhere in the restaurant . How can people still have their appetite to have their meal when they saw all these. I will never come back to this Carl's jr next time , I swear. After lunch, we watched Insidious 2. It was not as scary as the trailer and there are alot of funny scenes too. I personally think that the Conjuring is still the most terrifying ghost movie among all James Wan's productions. Everytime we went to Mid Valley, we will not forget to go for photobooth. Cuz I want to treasure all the moments I spend with him, so photo would be the best way to keep those memories. He told me he like the photo below very much which my face look like I'm having constipation lol. Our大头贴for this time is the weirdest 1 . Weird hugs ,weird poses , weird smiles. But luckily he is really good at editing so those photos we took are not that weird after editing. I'm glad that he is not that kind of boy who put his pride before his girlfriend,he is willing to do stupid n childish things to make me happy. It makes me feel that (finally) im important to someone.
We are the most unexpected couple, I can say. 2 person who don't talk often in college last year will be with each other this year. Is this what we called miracle ?  I thought I've been "friend-zoned" by you when we first know each other, cuz uhm ya know... I'm not your type of girl. But still, thank you for making the first step, if not I think I will be hiding at the corner and draw "forever alone " card until now. However, our relationship is not that easy, my family criticised me , some people even bet we only can last for 3 months but it turns out they were wrong. You've became my guardian angel since Valentine's day until now. Even though we only be with each other for 8 months, but you have given me alot of sweet bitter memories as if we've been together for many years. I dare not to think about the future with you, because anything can happen in the future.As long as you are being faithful to me, then I will stay loyal to you until the day you don't love me anymore.  Hope we can be happy everyday, for a very long time. :))

P/s:请那些苍蝇不要靠近我们,也请Mr Wong KC乖乖听话。我不要跟你吵架了。

Lil Princess
Signing Off @

Friday 18 October 2013


Normally when I start blogging, it means that there's something wrong with me.

That day, I played with his phone and look at his whatsapp , as usual, then I saw his conversation with *her is so unusual and sensitive. He told me that was just a joke, it means nothing .Girls are always sensitive, and he asked me not to be so sensitive. I asked him" what if I say the same thing to xxx, will you get mad at me? " he replied" Yes, of course, but *she is different from your friend, I know her since 4 years ago and the way we talk are like this since very long ago." I was upset and angry at that time but I never reply because I don't want to argue with him. I ignored him for almost half an hour during the lecture. I can't pay full attention during the lecture because my mind was filled by hows and whys. 8 months.... 8 months of being together but I still feel insecure. Why am I so silly? After I got home, I text him and told him that he don't love me enough, I'm just a replacement of someone. He replied " If you are a replacement of someone. I would never be with you in the first place, I would never spend time going out with you just to keep you happy, I would never listen to you until now......etc..." His words seems true.Why would he want to waste his time on me this ugly, fat, stupid girl? But anger kills my mind, we continue to quarreled. Thank god, he is a gentleman, he didn't use any deadly or hurtful words during the argument if not I'm gonna break up with him . We finally calmed ourselves down at night. he apologized to me and promised me he will change his way of talking( no flirty words anymore ). I promised him, I will try my best not to argue with him anymore because he was really upset when we start arguing. Duh. I mean, who will be happy when he or she start arguing with their loves one ? LOL . I hope this will be the last time we argue. I get very tired when we argue over the same thing repeat and repeat again. I should just follow the simple rule : Don't care too much, so that you won't get hurt. I want to be heartless and cold-blooded, I don't want to care too much. Can I do it?  =(

I hope those who facing the same problem as me, please cheer up! We're strong girls and I'm sure we can overcome all this ! Jiayou!!

Lil Princess
Signing Off @

Thursday 10 October 2013
Today is the worst day in 2013. I failed my driving test because I nearly crash into a motorcycle. Got scolded by the Pengawai Jpj and he fetch me back to my driving school. Omg I feel so embarrassing at that time. This is my second time failing , I wish my dad could let me to bribe them cuz I don't want to go back to that stupid place again for resit. I was so frustrated because I have to be there from 730 am to 2 pm and they didn't provide us a proper place to have lunch. Besides, the driver was late for almost 2 hours , all of us have to sit there n do nothing for 2 hours !! A reminder to myself, never ever trust malay company !! They will ruin your life .  When I got home, my aunt told me my study materials had arrived.  I was so happy because I can finally start my reading alrd, unfortunately, when I opened the box, UOL sent me the wrong textbooks.They had sent Part 1's textbooks instead of intermediate level's textbooks.  Such a HUGE mistake they had made, intermediate's textbooks are so different from Part 1's textbooks, I wonder why they gave me the wrong books. I should acknowledge them as genius *clap clap*. I thought this kind of mistake will only happen in Malaysia , I didn't know UK people can be so careless too. I was very dissapointed and angry. Why must I got all this shits. The probability of these happen is 0.00001% but it did happened on me. That's what we called*life* oh well.... 
My friend , Isabelle always told me tomorrow will be a better day, so will accept it as a challenge from god because life won't go smooth all the time. Cheer up Carmen Toothy ! 
When I was so helpless, the only one who support me is my boyfriend. He helped me to typed an email for UOL to ask them to send me a the correct textbooks as soon as possible , he brought kitkat for me to cheer me up , he fetch me to secret recipe to have cakes (desserts can make me happy) , and he gave me the warmest hug. He told me : 不管怎样,我会一直陪你的. He don't usually say this kind of sentence but when he said that to me, his words melted my heart. 
Thank you for everything ,baby I'm grateful to have you in my life. I will appreciate you <3 我应该相信你,早就应该相信你。因为那里有人会为了一个条件不好的失败者牺牲他的时间,精神,和爱。而我这个失败者,就算日子有倒霉,有你在我身边陪着我一起走,我已经是个幸运的女孩了。
Sorry baby, I know you like to be low profile but I must post it because you deserve tons of compliments .hehehe <3 Love you, KC Wong.

Lil Princess
Signing Off @

Saturday 24 August 2013

友情这东西,不能用时间衡量的。就有些人算是认识了十多年, 不合就是不合,不能做朋友就是不能。反而有些人在短短的日子里就可以成为无话不说的知己。

在生命里, 能够在人海茫茫中遇见了身边是的人一种缘分,能够做朋友是一种福气。
要keep着这一份福气,一定要好好的经营 :) ! 加油 friendship! :D

记得我昨天说过的话hor ? :P 
我不说不代表我不知道你在想什么 :D 
所以,不要乱想了,生命很美好的 .
你永远不会一个人 <3  
我会努力地找回那失去的信心,恢复我们的友谊 :) 

Lil Princess
Signing Off @

Friday 16 August 2013
Something you might not know about me.

1) When I met new people, I don't usually start a conversation with them. The reason are.. Firstly,I am shy person . Secondly, I'm afraid that I will irritates the other if I talk too much . Thirdly, I don't know what topic I should start off with. It will be really awkward if people couldn't understand what I'm talking about.

2) I smile all the time..but..I'm not a friendly person. I will only be nice to you when I feel comfortable around you.

3) Don't try to challenge my patience.. You can make jokes .. but don't cross the limit.. 

4)  Don't try to catch my attention by insulting me like calling me ugly, fat, etc.. it doesn't work. If you do so, I will just ask you to fuck off. That it.
5) I am really really happy when someone acknowledge me as his or her true friend. When they tell me about their problems.. I'm willing to give them a helping hand..oh wait.. both my hands to help them . On the other hand, for those who only remembers my name when they need me, fuck off, I don't owe you anything. 

6) I hate people leave stupid comments on my Facebook wall. 

7) I am super duber afraid of my friends got hurt by my action and words, so the way I speak is not so direct. For action, of course I won't do something that will hurt them.

8) I don't believe in love at first sight. Love at first sight means you only fall for his/her appearance.

9) I dislike people asked me to guess what are they thinking. What you want to say, just say it, I feel annoyed when people only reveal part of their thoughts.

10) What belongs to me, means mine( Things, friends, boyfriend) . I don't like to share it with anyone else .

11) I easily get jealous ( Boyfriend and friends knew what I mean)

12) When you did wrong, I expect an apologies from you regardless HOW OLD AND WHO YOU ARE. 

13) I love to get alot of likes on Instagram and Facebook..Because I think likes one kind of compliment. Lol

14) I hate people who act differently in front of different people. Isn't it they are two-faced?

15) I prefer people to point out my mistakes in front of me instead of telling other people.

Lil Princess
Signing Off @

Thursday 15 August 2013

; 心中的恶魔, 只能被自己消灭,别人是帮不了你的。
为了不要再让身边的朋友,家人,男朋友伤心,是时候该成长了。不再做恐怖的野蛮公主,我要做一个你们喜欢的Carmen Toothy .

说实话, 自从昨天我再次发精神,posted stupid status on Facebook 前来安慰的第一人是她. 我觉得她是一个非常好的倾听者,因为每次当我把自己放在同样的问题 (repeated for 9876543210 times -_-) "虐待自己"时, 她每次会问我发生了什么事? 这给了我一种感觉她从来没有抛弃我. 只有她有耐心去 Layan 我 . 虽然她是cool cool 的人,有时我不知道和她聊什么样的话题,但至少,我已经学到朋友不必24 hours在一起,有很多的话题, 只要真心对待,这就是我们所说的真正的朋友. 

WT: All came from the bottom of my heart,不要叫我假了,Slap you a  xD HAHAHAH!!

* 整个post 用 Google Translate来blog的 ~.~
I didn't know where to find the Chinese keyboard .

Lil Princess
Signing Off @